My name is Ally Mckay, and I am an illustrator and graphic designer based in Edinburgh, Scotland. 
I'm originally from California, but came to Edinburgh for university, and have been learning all about rainy weather and Scottish slang ever since. 
My academic background includes a B.A. Illustration from the University of Edinburgh and a Cert. Graphic Design from the Rhode Island School of Design. This dual educational path allows me to blend creative and technical skills, offering a unique and well-rounded approach to the field of visual arts.
I have completed two internships at the University of Edinburgh, one with the college of art's Student and Academic Support Service, and one with the Information Services Group. I also completed a remote internship with Rowanvale Publishing, where I worked as a Digital Marketing Designer. 
I am currently a volunteer illustrator with Real Change News and accepting projects on a freelance basis. 
Feel free to contact me at: allisonkmckay@gmail.com
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