The primary goal of my internship with Edinburgh College Of Art's Student and Academic Support Services (SASS) was to create a cohesive brand identity that increased awareness among students of who SASS is and how students can utilise their support services. The aim of this redesign was to be friendly, approachable and appeal to students. Working with authorities within ECA, I established colours, fonts, and type hierarchies based off of the school-wide policies, and applied them to handbooks, posters, powerpoint templates, and administrative forms. 
Handbook Redesign
One of the biggest goals of the redesign was to update the course handbooks. These documents are used by professors and school admin to communicate to students important dates, course information, staff contacts and policies to students. The documents accounted for over 40,000 words, 175 pages, and covered information from the 5 schools within ECA. Redesigning these documents was a huge undertaking in which I aimed to emphasise functionality, clarity and ease of navigation. 
Icon Library
As part of the SASS redesign, I created an icon library to create consistent imagery across presentations, handbooks, online portals, and student-facing posters.
Poster Templates
Utilizing the icon library and established brand colours and fonts, I created a suite of customisable poster templates for members of staff within SASS to use. 
Window Decal
The final piece to improving SASS' recognition on campus was to provide adequate and eye-catching signage to direct students to their offices. For this project, I coordinated with ECA's graphic designer to create a window decal that matched the existing decals, and created this design that reinforces the new identity of SASS. 

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